

Saturday, January 4, 2014

More Meat In Your Stew...And A Chicken In Every Pot!*

I recently heard that the USDA is now allowing more meat and grains to be used in the school lunch program.  I’m all for meat and grain, but I am concerned that an agency of the federal government makes decisions on what to feed our children.  And it’s not just the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it’s every government agency that makes regulations that control our life and what we can eat, say, believe, and what we are taught, etc.  They do it through the power of the dollar.  “If you don’t do it our way, we won’t give you our money.”  They routinely do it through regulatory bodies and agencies that have no oversight in particular by elected officials.

You see, the government believes the tax dollars they collect are their monies.   They don’t much listen to what we the people think in their insulated and corporately elected offices--that is if we the people even get off our duffs and tell them what we think (I’ve spoken before here about how only one person in ten in this country is actually responsible for who is elected.)  So when we get politicians who tell us an unmarried man must have abortion coverage in his health insurance, or a mayor who says big soft drink cups are illegal, we get exactly what we deserve.  Even the President seems immune from any oversight by Congress or the people.  He routinely makes executive orders that nullify parts of laws (like the Affordable Care Act) that was passed by Congress.  What he is doing is unconstitutional, and yet no one makes him accountable for that.  Not us the people, and not the Congress that a handful of us elected.  It’s like the law is his own personal property that he can do with as he wishes.  They even call it Obamacare as if he owns it.  (By the way, can you imagine what would happen if Bush had said he wasn’t going to enact part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?)

Whatever happened to being responsible for oneself in this life?  We are supposed to learn wise behavior in families that teach that.  I suppose we could talk about the disintegration of the family here, but I’ll save that for some other time.

*Herbert Hoover promised everyone a chicken in every pot...and look where that got him.

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