

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Is Putin The Next Hitler?

The recent events in the Ukraine are disturbing.  The actions of the Russian government are frighteningly reminiscent of Hitler’s advance through Europe prior to World War II.  His actions were originally confined to predominantly Germanic speaking lands bordering his country.  His excuse was he was responding to the will of the people there in moving militarily to incorporate them into German governance and occupation.
Obviously, Putin is doing the same thing with the same stated reasoning.  We as Americans certainly can relate to the desire of an area to become self-governing, and Putin is trying to mimic that approach in saying he is there to “assist” the local populace that wishes to be independent.  Unfortunately, with troops on the ground from Russia, it looks more like an attempt at intimidation and a takeover of the country by a foreign power…just like Hitler did.

Certainly, there are ethnic differences in Crimea and in Eastern Ukraine.  How do we judge what is going on there from our perspective?  California is rapidly becoming entirely Hispanic ethnically.  Southern California already is.  Does that mean Mexico can mass troops on our border and in our country to help facilitate and back (or perhaps instigate) a revolt?  I’m sure Mexico can come up with a million reasons why the economic wealth of California would be a boon to their country and give them great political influence over the remaining United States…just like Putin realizes with Ukraine.  But do the people of California think they would be better off with an alliance with and a dependence on Mexico.

What do you think?

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