

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Supreme Court Gets It Right

The Supremes managed to do something right this week by supporting a state law that said affirmative action could not include simply hiring with preference because of one’s race.  Justice Ms. Soda-In-My-Ears, with all her racial bias managed the dissenting liberal view.

Now think about this carefully.  What she is saying in her dissent is that simply because you are Black or Hispanic or female, you should have priority in hiring.  This means that if you compare poorly in test scores or interviews, that can’t be held against you and used to make a hiring decision.  So, if you diddled around in school, cut class, ate drugs by the bucketful and failed to do the work the teachers asked you to do, we are now saying that you are the perfect person to do the work of our business or government.  If you have the mental faculties of a fruitcake, we are saying you are the best choice to fill our vacancies and make our spaceships, rule in our courts, or teach in our schools.

The best way to make a workforce of mediocrity is to hire by standards other than ability and work habits.  The need to insure that everyone has an equal chance to acquire that ability and those work habits is a requirement of families and schools that have competence and are willing to do the work.  BUT, ultimately it is up to the individual themselves to live up to their best potential.  Huge numbers of racial minorities succeed and come out of terrible environments to become leaders in their fields without the aid of the “hire the least well qualified” mandates.

Race alone should never be a factor in hiring or not hiring!!! Or anything else, for that matter.

1 comment:

  1. Justice Ms. Soda-in-my-ears! Tee Hee! That definitely gave me a chuckle!

    You left out one class of favorites - not that I resent their getting government jobs etc. - but the vets with little to no experience get preference with Housing and Urban Development jobs. I have inside information about how hard it is for others to get hired there if there's even one vet in the resume' pool. Even women with loads of degrees & experience are passed over. I'm all for our vets getting a fair chance at a decent job when they leave service but should they get preference over someone who is much more highly qualified? I have vets in my family but they got their jobs because they had the training already required. We should definitely help them find jobs - so where's the happy medium?
