

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Mocking Bird Sings

I have heard various forms of this comment in a couple of settings this week by different people, and to me that’s a hint that I need to pass it on.  The essence of it is that our country is full of people who mock Jesus and Christianity.  This is something that was not even thinkable in past generations on the grand scale we see it today.  What is more intriguing is that it is not at all politically correct to mock other religions.  In fact, you might be jailed for it as a hate crime and you certainly will be reviled and condemned for it in the mainstream media.  You might even be killed for it if it happens to be a comment made about Islam.

Satan is actively at work in our society to mock Jesus but not other religions or their leaders simply due to the fact that Jesus really scares Satan and those other religions don’t.  One person I know pointed out that this is a very real compliment in a way.  We are going to get into conflict with Satan only when we are standing against him!

There is a battle shaping up.  A big one.  We know how it turns out if we read the Bible.  The Anti-Christ will rule at some point.  Perhaps this will be the big socialist worldwide “nanny state” we are actively shepherding the nations toward, where the United Nations puts a leader in charge of us all?  I sure don’t know, but I do know that my “Get Out Of Jail Free Card” is stamped and valid and Christ is waiting for me.

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