Only in America can the director of the FBI be summoned before congress to testify and when asked whether a citizen can be assassinated in this country by order of the President without court process say "I am not sure, I'll have to check."
Only in America can Attorney General Eric Holder lecture that the President can order a "kill" on anyone he chooses within or outside the borders of the United States.
Only in America can you be fined $250,000 and put in jail for two years for destroying an eagle egg, but you can abort a child and the government pays for it...well, actually you and I pay for it whether we like it or not.
Only in America...wait a minute, this is the kind of stuff that happens in Iran, Libya and Hitler's Germany? It's not only in America. Mass slaughter, religious persecution, genocide are worldwide.
Human nature is what it is folks. We are no different from any other people across the globe. We must constantly be on guard against sin when it presents itself and stand up and be counted.
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