We live in interesting times. I know a good many people who are conspiracy theorists beyond any reasonable interpretation. Like most extremists they are impressed by slick presentations that often have no real factual basis. Other times they seem to stumble on real facts that can be very troubling. I’m not one of that group that sees a conspiracy in every situation, and in fact I think it is hard to cover up the truth for long. We are a difficult type to muzzle, and someone always spills the beans. The only secret well kept is one that is told to no one. (By the way, I also don’t believe there is a secret group of humans called “illuminati” that rule the world.)
The government has a responsibility to insure the safety of its citizens. It is the prime responsibility, and to do that we have evolved over the centuries in ways never dreamed of by our predecessors. The government now can monitor your every move, your location, and your dialogue through phones and internet usage. Not only “can they” but they do. The Patriot Act gave them authority to listen in, and we want them to be successful in preventing terrorism in our homeland. To a certain extent it has been successful. Other government agencies at a local and state level have used technology to good effect in preventing crime and apprehending criminals through well placed cameras, aerial over flights, and court permitted wiretaps, etc. All of these methods have their place and purpose and were instituted with lofty and ethical purposes in mind, but as a species we have a poor track record when it comes to perverting the good things we have. So it is likely that these methods of keeping us safe, will eventually become the means to enslave us and be perverted into hideous evil. One only has to look at how things have turned out in other civilizations to know this. The power to do things corrupts those who wield it. We have perverted all these God given gifts at one point or another without fail, whether it was authority, power, influence, music, sex, marriage, food, possessions, inventions, etc.
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