It’s become clear that the Obama administration has been
engaging in tactics to control free speech by condemning organizations like the
TEA party as “subversive” and using the government’s powers to harass those
organizations. The administration has
employed the tried and true tactic of “plausible deniability” to keep the stain
of Benghazi and the IRS scandal from tainting Obama himself. Unfortunately, the “I didn’t know anything
about it” line only goes so far before it falls flat. We know for a fact that the White House Chief of Staff knew what was going on. Incompetence as the top administrator is not much of an acceptable
excuse for these crimes, even if you believe it. Even if the President didn't know, at the very least the culpability exists from creating the culture and choosing the practitioners by the President. Apparently, even the mainstream liberal media is getting
concerned now, and the New York Times, etc. are coming out with comments that
the surveillance of journalists by the federal government and probing into
their private communications is crossing the line. This administration has also used the Espionage Act to prosecute
those who come forward with information.
Not just spies that sell secrets to the enemies abroad, but for “whistle
blowers” and those who seek information, like the press. This is chilling beyond belief!
What is most disturbing to me is the assault on God during
this administration. When the military
comes out and says that a member of the armed forces can be tried for treason
if they talk about God to the troops, then I think we have changed who we are
as a country.
When I look at the various surveys taken of Americans it is
clear that the majority are displeased with all of this, and yet when you see
the surveys of their opinion of Obama himself the opposite is true. I call it “The Rockstar Effect.” The polls
show the majority of Americans approve of him, and this is the heart of what I
want to present here. How can we see
this kind of government wrongdoing and yet show allegiance to the leader of it
all. What parallel can we draw from it?
I think it is this:
Somewhere in the vicinity of 90% of all Americans will answer the
question “do you believe in God” with a resounding YES. I really do think that deep inside we are
“wired to believe.” And yet, if you
probe you will find that they do not believe in the things that God expects of
them. They are very unhappy if anyone
suggests that they love their neighbor…unless of course that means having sex
with them outside of marriage. They
will argue that cheating on their taxes, or coveting what their neighbor has is
“the American Way.” They will say “I
want my ‘free’ food, health care, education, and the like.” I could go on with the list, but I
won’t. So it doesn’t surprise me that
the schizophrenic approach is apparent in their view of the political leaders
of our country as well. I really do
think that healing our country will require a genuine return to God more than
anything we could think of doing.
Electing leaders who have integrity and the welfare of ALL the
people they lead at heart can only come from leaders who respect the principles
that God has laid out for us. The
founding father’s knew that and frequently spoke of it. Half of those who signed the Declaration of
Independence had seminary degrees.
Jefferson, who together with Madison wrote our Constitution said “God
who gave us life, gave us liberty.” It
seems we have lost that knowledge in our modern “enlightened” society and our
liberty is at risk.
Many have claimed to be God throughout history. It was common for political leaders like the
Pharaohs of Egypt. Even Julius Caesar
was viewed as God by the people of the Roman Empire.
Perhaps we have leaders who believe they are above God in what they are
allowed to do. We even make that claim
for ourselves when we seek to have our own way and become the “Gods” of our own
lives and indulge in our selfish desires.
It is important to remember that never did a man speak as Jesus
did. Never a man lived like Jesus
did. Never a man died like Jesus
did…and Never A Man Came Back From The Grave As Jesus Did.
Who is your God?
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