

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Get Ready America -- Coming To A Street Corner Near YOU!

Get Ready America -- Coming To A Street Corner Near You


Freedom of speech laws in England are a good bell-weather for what will be happening in America, after all, we are following the Europeans in health care, and financial irresponsibility and most everything else.  In particular, we know we have a federal administration committed to the gay and lesbian agenda, liberal definition of marriage, abortion, etc. and so the following is likely to show up in the United States very soon.


“Tony Miano, a retired deputy sheriff from Los Angeles County, Calif., was arrested in London, England, earlier this week for preaching on abstaining from sexual immorality, both heterosexual and homosexual, in downtown Wimbledon. He was found to be in violation of Public Order Act Section 5, for "using homophobic speech that could cause people anxiety, distress, alarm or insult,"  This quote was taken from the Christian Post put out by Biola University, you can actually watch the encounter on YouTube.


Apparently, Mr. Miano was preaching from Thessalonians when the cops came and said preaching was OK, but that he couldn’t preach from that specific section and subject matter in public.  So, now the government gets to decide which parts of the Bible are permissible and which parts are not.

Miano was very clear to the police that he doesn't hate homosexuals and that he was talking about all types of sexual immorality.   What makes this chilling is that it’s just another step in the process of the State taking away the right of freedom of speech.  We have seen this process in action from the very beginning of our constitution, and the progression has been accepted by most people as being handled well by the court…so far.  Learned Hand’s opinion from the Supremes on “yelling fire in a crowded theater” when there is no fire being the shining example of how free speech can be limited logically by the government.  So, with that precedent we see a descent into value judgments of what could happen if you are allowed to say anything you wish.

Theatres and street corners are just the beginning.  The definition of “public speech” can be interpreted any way the court wishes, and you can rest assured that a Godless liberal court majority will define it as broadly as it can.  It’s not a big step at all to define speaking against abortion, marriage, union organization rights, or even practicing Satanism as hate speech.  Once things become emotionally charged, just about anyone can say it’s hate speech.  The next thing you know, one political party in power says speaking out against their policies or candidates is hate speech.

Get ready America.

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