Recently I was at a meeting of Christian singles and the
subject came up about a survey of Christians that showed a serious majority
believed Christianity was not the only way to heaven. What surprised me was that some members of the group there at the
meeting held the same view. Some even
held other views on homosexuality and sex outside of marriage that were not in
keeping with the traditional Christian views that such behaviors were outside
of God’s best plan for us. They
justified their positions on these issues by saying that God made homosexuals
or that humans have changed over the centuries. I found that position of what
I’ll call “Politically Correct Christianity” to be surprising…especially since
they said it was even apparently being preached from some mainstream pulpits.
I have repeatedly said here on this blogsite that we need
to recognize that we all fall short of God’s expectations for us. Lying, stealing, murder, adultery, etc. are
committed by most all of us, and we still consider ourselves Christians and
heaven bound. Those who are homosexuals
or follow another faith or are having sex outside of marriage are no worse than
I am and are welcome in my church. But
for me to say that there is no mistake in what they do is un-Biblical…just as
wrong as saying that what I do that falls short of God’s expectations is not
wrong. We have an obligation to at
least try to live into the expectations of God. Saying they are no longer “sins” is not the
answer. Part of showing love to one
another is the “tough love” of correcting when something is wrong and is done
for the benefit of the one corrected.
Yes, I know that many Christians are prone to the idea that “Grandpa
God” is just all loving and never would punish anyone, but that idea just
doesn’t agree with anything Jesus said.
I’m going to let God be God and do what he deems proper. I have enough trouble being myself, I don’t
need to try to be God and make up my own rules and outcomes.
A very good friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous put
it this way much better than I can:
“I agree with you, first we
must let God be God. When a person expresses a belief that conflicts with
accepted biblical truth, it has to do with what they want rather than what's in
God's word. For a Christian to say that God lets anyone from any faith into
heaven, trivializes Jesus' sacrifice for us, ignores the righteous judgment of
God, and asserts self-centered disobedience.
We are all disobedient. What's amazing is that the only sin that God regards as unforgivable is the absolute rejection of God and his offering of forgiveness through Jesus. We must realize how petty, selfish and independent we are. We must humble ourselves and cease to believe that we know better than God. We must not believe that we have all the answers and do not need the instruction of God's word. We must not try to redefine God's word in an effort to persuade ourselves that we're obedient.
The Bible stresses that the day will come when we'll say that what God has said is wrong, is right, and what God has said is good is wrong. That seems to be happening now. I struggle with both issues of homosexuality and sex outside marriage. For a long time, I've believed that I should tolerate, but not accept, homosexuality. As Christians, I think that we are not supposed to become comfortable with behaviors that are accepted by current culture but are offensive and unacceptable to God. I have Christian friends who say "what does it matter" or "I don't care" in regards to homosexuality. But doesn't Paul make it clear in his writings that the church should be intolerant of behavior that is in opposition to the will of God and which might make the church useless to God? Yet there are many churches that no longer honor the male/female relationship, instead demanding a different definition of marriage. Aren't they attempting to change God's word with the intent of making the church an all-welcoming, all embracing, all tolerating entity? I don't think the purpose of the church is to be all-inclusive or embracing of all philosophies.”
We are all disobedient. What's amazing is that the only sin that God regards as unforgivable is the absolute rejection of God and his offering of forgiveness through Jesus. We must realize how petty, selfish and independent we are. We must humble ourselves and cease to believe that we know better than God. We must not believe that we have all the answers and do not need the instruction of God's word. We must not try to redefine God's word in an effort to persuade ourselves that we're obedient.
The Bible stresses that the day will come when we'll say that what God has said is wrong, is right, and what God has said is good is wrong. That seems to be happening now. I struggle with both issues of homosexuality and sex outside marriage. For a long time, I've believed that I should tolerate, but not accept, homosexuality. As Christians, I think that we are not supposed to become comfortable with behaviors that are accepted by current culture but are offensive and unacceptable to God. I have Christian friends who say "what does it matter" or "I don't care" in regards to homosexuality. But doesn't Paul make it clear in his writings that the church should be intolerant of behavior that is in opposition to the will of God and which might make the church useless to God? Yet there are many churches that no longer honor the male/female relationship, instead demanding a different definition of marriage. Aren't they attempting to change God's word with the intent of making the church an all-welcoming, all embracing, all tolerating entity? I don't think the purpose of the church is to be all-inclusive or embracing of all philosophies.”
We are charged to love our neighbor as we love
ourselves. That means no matter what
their falling short of God’s word encompasses.
But our faith is supposed to change us as much as possible, and to deny
that is to destroy our faith and make a mockery of it.