

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

This Means War!

You often hear that religion is the cause of all wars.  Unfortunately, that is often propagated by atheists who wish to discredit religion.  When you actually check the facts, most wars are secular and not religious in nature.  Only about 7% of the historical conflicts are religiously motivated.  Also the total numbers of people killed in wars is vastly more successfully accomplished by non-religious wars.

Yet religious wars still fascinate me.  History is littered with them.  Christians fighting Muslims, Catholics killing Protestants, Jews fighting most everyone.  Whether it’s the Crusades in the 11th century or the Thirty Years War in the Reformation Period or King Henry the VIII against Catholics or World War II or the 6 Day War or the Iraq War, it’s no different.  Yet, what is most interesting it that these faith based battles are waged between peoples who worship the very same God.  Their faith expression of that God varies considerably in the details, and their various prophets and figureheads are different.  Yet, they all are rooted in the God of the Old Testament…the God of love.  How dumb is that!?!?   It’s like saying, I’m going to kill you because you wear blue jeans instead of polyester slacks.  They are both pants for crying out loud!!!

I suspect we annoy God considerably with our stupidity and childishness.

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