

Monday, March 3, 2014

Sounds In Silence

God is spoken of as light and I’ve often heard it said that God spoke the worlds into existence.  John begins his gospel with the words “In the beginning was the Word…”  I’ve heard the phrase used that interpreted that idea by saying God sang the Universe into being.  However you want to interpret that concept, it becomes even more interesting when you learn what NASA scientists have been discovering about sounds throughout space in the last few years.

The Voyager 1 and 2 space crafts were launched to delve into deep space and send messages back to earth about what they discovered.  The recorders that they use assess light waves and other energy waves and converts them into sound for the listener, and sends them back to earth periodically.  All this is necessary because in space there is nothing to carry traditional sound pressure waves in air to our eardrums (the catch phrase “you can scream all day in space and no one will hear you” says it all.) 

So this converted combination of radio frequency waves and light waves all communicate sound to us in space.  When you listen to this “symphony” of sound you hear some pretty interesting stuff from the different space phenomenon, and I encourage you to take a listen sometime.  Just YouTube space sounds on your computer if you are curious.

Why do I point this out?  Well, partly because it is just plain exciting to curious minds.  Even more so, it strikes me that God is “light” and “music” and perhaps really did “sing” the universe into existence…and continues to hum his melody to keep the universe in tune.  

This link will take you to one example, but there are a host of others as well.

       P.S.  In one of the Star Trek movies, Voyager returns from outer space highly modified by it’s adventures…great flick!  --  Capt. Picard

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