

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

On The Border

There isn't a day that goes by on the news that pundits aren't whining about the millions of people who are continually sneaking in to America illegally across our southern border.  I don't get it?  If they all want to be Americans so badly, why don't they just give us their country.  Then they can ALL be Americans and not have the hassle/risk of crossing the border, paying coyotes to lead them, hauling drugs, dying of thirst, being sold into prostitution and the like.  Just make Mexico the 51st sate of the union, go down there with the 101st airborne and clean out the drug cartels (before we take official ownership to make it legal for them), explain how American laws work, and then have their Mexican politicians enforce them with our help.  We get the tax money.  Everybody is happy.  When that works, watch all the other countries down in the latin breezeway follow suit.

You think I'm kidding, and mostly I am.  But think about it.  How much better would things be today if we ran Mexico from  the 1845 Mexican American War onward than the way things actually turned out.

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