

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

An Angel On A Pin

So, how many angels can dance on the head of a pin (and are they doing the salsa?)  I remember hearing that philosopher’s question as a kid and thinking it was pretty silly, until I began to think more on what was meant by asking it.  What does God and the rest of his creation look like?

What do we know of God?  Did you ever consider that the one thing that appears to make us different from all the rest of earthly creation is that we have an in-built antenna that seeks out God? (By the way--why have a receiver antenna if there is no one sending a message--?) The world has been filled with different faiths virtually since time began.  Of course there are a few who have made atheism their creed  but the reception is bad on their receiver as far as I’m concerned.  (Remember, if you cry out to God during sex, on your deathbed, or when you feel he is convenient to damn something, then you lose your gold card membership in the “My God is No God” club!)

So then, what is the nature of God?  How many angels are there?  Are they very tiny and that’s why we don’t always see them?  Is any of that even important?  Hardly.

I think the important thing we need to think about in learning the nature of God is what he says about Himself in the Bible through those who have had contact with Him.  He appears to have been pretty serious about not appearing and being looked at physically.  Moses, had a few things to say about that and never really got a clear look because it would have killed him.  That’s a bit scary, isn’t it?  To think that looking at God would make us “surely die.”  How come is that?  My theory is our sinful nature would be so painfully obvious to us in God’s presence that we would literally die of shame…but that is all pre-Christ.  Now with His death on the cross, we can stand before God as a sinless creature…and live.

To me the big take-away from all this business of trying to picture and define God is that he is beyond all that…except to say that He is Love.  We've clearly been told that repeatedly in the Bible.  If we remember that, we simply don’t need to know what his physical looks are like…we’ll find out soon enough! 

And it will pay to be His and be ready.

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