The selection of a leader in our country is a sacred obligation in a democracy. I have discussed before how appalling it is that only about 1 person in ten who lives here and is eligible to vote in this country actually is responsible for choosing the president (I understand in Australia if you don’t vote, they will charge you criminally and fine you!) So now that it is all over and the bumper stickers and campaign ads are gone or of no purpose, what do we do?
We have a Biblical obligation to support our government leaders in the performance of their civil duties. We should pray for those leaders. But, when those civil administration duties conflict with our Christian beliefs we have a duty to stand with God. We have elected a president who believes that abortion is good, and that marriage is not a sacred union between just a man and a woman. We do not give up our disagreement with his position because of his position as a “ruler” over the nation (and don’t miss the significance of that word “ruler.” He does set rules and has a host of agencies that make “rules” that function as laws without benefit of your vote or the vote of your elected representative’s.)
I guess I am somewhat libertarian in my views. I think God pretty much set it up that way when he gave us free will…and laid out the consequences for disobedience. I have talked about my feelings on gay marriage in the past. We have turned marriage into a civil ceremony where historically it had not been. At this point, it matters little to me if gays marry in front of a judge or a radical religion that then claims them “married.” If we are forced to perform ceremonies in a church that follows Biblical teachings, then I will stand against it. The concept of abortion is much more difficult for me to accept. The point at which life begins is a question that will be argued into eternity, and I would rather think it begins earlier than at the moment of birth. Regardless of your position on either of these, I don’t think Christians should retreat from standing up for what they believe on these faith-based questions. Is our country definitely in need of a spiritual renewal and a real wake-up call on our deteriorating moral values. I think so. We need to stand as Christians for those beliefs.
Just as serious a problem to me is what the elected leaders will do in a society that is increasingly “entitlement” oriented. Democracies tend to disintegrate as the electorate discovers it can vote more money away from the wealthy through taxation and redistribution until society collapses economically. The Bible says that someone who doesn’t work shall not eat. I take that to mean that we have an obligation to take care of ourselves and not be lazy and depend on government handouts WHEN YOU ARE CAPABLE OF WORKING. (Please note the emphasis, I am not talking about those who are genuinely seeking work, disabled, etc.) In this country today, nearly half the population is receiving some kind of government assistance, and the number is growing along with our growing and alarming national debt. That is not a good sign for the future. We need to create jobs and we need to create an expectation that you will work!
Watching the post election stock market trend significantly downward again today and hearing the political posturing of our leadership in this post election period is not encouraging to me. I think it is time we all began praying for wisdom on the part of our leaders in a big way.
Pray continually folks…
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