

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Followership of the Ring*

In the 60s there was a song called “I Will Follow Him” which today would be rejected by most of society because of it’s statement that this girl who was singing it would follow this boy anywhere (bet you thought I was telling you about a religious song, huh!).  It is way to un-liberated for the 21st Century.  But yet it does speak to something that I think is very important in life: There is a role for being a follower and there are ways to properly do that.

We all know a leader’s job is to lead.  Some know that a leader’s job is to prepare a replacement leader from his followers, but does anyone think about what a follower’s job is.  Most followers are content to think that their role is to show that they are the best at what they do (at least if they think beyond the typical ones that just want to get by.)  I think it is much more rare for them to think that their job as a follower is also to make their leader successful.  That doesn’t mean do something illegal or keep your mouth shut when you should be telling the leader something (respectfully and with facts) that he needs to do differently in your mind.  Does that mean you have to endure improper activity by the leader?  Absolutely not, but how many times have you heard a fellow employee gripe about a leader who was just doing what was good for the company and didn’t meet with the selfish concerns of the particular employee?  How about the children who don’t wish to follow the rules of parents that are well meaning?  Being a good follower is an honorable role and has its long-term benefits in life…and the hereafter.

There are consequences for not being a good follower, too.  For example, people get fired from their jobs.  God also put those consequences out there as boundaries to give us notice that this particular behavior is not good for us.  I remember when I was searching and arresting people as a police officer.  I would put them in a control hold.  It only caused pain if they struggled against me and tried to get out of it.  I would tell them, don’t do that and it won’t hurt.   God has done the same thing with our boundaries in the Bible.  When we struggle and step outside of them, we get clobbered.

Jesus told the apostles “Follow Me.”  In essence that was his command to all of us in order to make his birth on earth the success it was supposed to be.  He gave a great many other guiding principles that followers can find value in.  Can you find value in followership?  Can you find value in living out the life Jesus outlined for you to follow?

* Yeah, I know the title has nothing to do with what I wrote...I just thought it sounded cool!  Gandalf would be proud.

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