

Friday, December 13, 2013

Centennial School Tragedy

Why the cluster of shootings in Denver?  I have actually been wondering a lot about the mass public facility shootings by young people in general throughout the United States and have to ask these questions:

  1. Do shootings tend to occur in well-off financial communities predominated by liberal values and politics?
  2. Do shootings tend to occur in white communities, or any specific type of geography?
  3. Do shootings tend to occur in communities with fairly strict gun laws already in place?
  4. Do shootings tend to occur in communities that had extensive and lengthy media  coverage of previous shootings in the area.
  5. Do shootings tend to occur in communities that have minimal security procedures at school entrances and also allow open campus policies for students throughout the day?
  6. Are mental health services not adequately available in those communities?

I have a strong suspicion that the answer to all of these is yes.  I'm sure there are many other factors to consider, but these ones trouble me a great deal.  I'm sure this recent tragedy will trigger (no pun intended) another round of knee jerk proposals to disarm America.  While I think we need more controls on weapon sales and access by those who shouldn't have them, I suspect the movement will more likely take shape as an effort to disarm America.  That would be a mistake in my opinion and in the opinion of the framers of the Constitution.

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