

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Landing On Runway One

It’s about to be a New Year.  Most people make resolutions and consider January 1st to be a new beginning. 

I’d rather consider each day a new start.  So many times I have looked at my life and thought, “gee, I wish I’d done that differently.”  In reality, each day and each minute we have the opportunity for a course correction.  We can resolve to make the changes immediately, and the thought that we make resolutions that 99% of the time we don’t keep on New Years Day is silliness in it’s most extreme form.  I’ve talked before about living with “intentionality.”  Change only comes through a minute by minute decision on how to live our life.

How have you used your life?  The story goes that President Reagan once asked the Air Force One pilot why he tried to land so close to the beginning of the runway.  The pilot grinned and explained, "Mr. President, all pilots know you can't use the runway that's behind you."

You still have the opportunity to start fresh and make the most of everyday.  God grants you only so many, how will you use the rest of your life?

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