

Monday, February 3, 2014

It's Just A Game

People are weird.  Think about this for a minute. We have teams play against each other and eventually wind up with this “Be All, End All” battle between the best at a stadium that has thousands of police officers, FBI, Homeland Security etc.  We spend millions on doing the event, we charge millions for advertisers and ticket buyers.  People get so worked up about the outcome that they actually fight with each other over allegiance to a particular team.  Sometimes they even try to kill each other.

Now when you take time to consider all this, what does it look like a model of sanitized and scoped down in size?  Warfare.  Pure and simple, it is a substitute for warfare.  Even our Olympic Games are long standing traditional attempts at substitutes for battles between countries (in a perceived peaceful manner usually) about who is the best and holds dominance!

It seems everything is a battle for supremacy.  Even if you play chess with your buddy, it’s a battle.  What is it about us that creates that need that has persisted throughout all of known time?  When we look at us individually, do we exhibit the same behavior.  Aren’t we all dealing with ego issues about how good we are.  Let’s face it, we are centered on “self” and we transfer ego based thinking to our religions and our patriotism and our football teams.

Is it all good?  What would an “Other” based world look like?

Now I’m not really suggesting we give up chess or even football, but I am wondering if the world championship were one of “who gave the most of themselves to help others” and the name was kept anonymous until the person was dead, how would that change the world we know.

What do you think?

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