

Saturday, July 14, 2012


I recently was told by a woman that she didn’t have an interest in religion.  She felt there was no right or wrong, “what is, is just what is.”  Kind of an odd statement, I thought.

When Adam was created, he was probably of that mindset.  There’s all these animals and I have been told by God the creator to name them and kinda oversee things here.  As far as I can tell, “what is, is just what is.”  They run around eating each other and some of them chew up the pretty flowers, but it’s all “what is…and I do the same.”

Then God decides on what I can only assume is a test.  You see, this creature called man was a bit different than the animals.  He was designed to “need” to be in relationship with another of his kind.  His need was cerebral and emotional, as well as physical.  The animals got together to procreate and then got on with the business of killing things and eating and with few exceptions didn’t hang out together in a specific relationship(canines, monkeys and elephants excepted.)  But back to man.  He was given a companion as well as a baby maker…and it was good.  You thought I was going to say that the woman was the test, didn’t you?  Well, she wasn’t exactly…and yet she was.  You see, she got to hanging out with God’s Yang (because opposites occurred from the very beginning.)  Light and Dark, Yin and Yang, Hot and Cold…you get the picture…right and wrong (or shall we say good and evil.)  The Yang was known as Satan and did his Yang thing by trying to get the woman to do the one and only thing God told Adam and the woman, Eve, not to do.  Yep, “Don’t eat the fruit of this one special tree.”  Now since God is portrayed as all knowing and outside of time, he must have known they were going to fail the test.  That raises some interesting questions, the biggest one being “Why give a test you know they are going to fail?”

Here’s what I think:  I am convinced that God had simply had it with all these beings that surrounded him that either weren’t loyal (Satan and his buddies) or had no concept of loyalty and love (the animals.)  God wanted to be in a loving volitional relationship.  He needed man to love and be loved. 

He created mankind with that same need…not just to be in relationship with the opposite sex, but to be in relationship with the God of the universe.

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