

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"I'm From The Government and I'm Here To Help!"

‘Scuse me, but I’m confused.  The past few weeks have proven by admissions that the head of the IRS and one of the local IRS heads, the Director of National Intelligence, and the Attorney General himself have lied to Congress and the American people.  Susan Rice has been proven to either have lied herself about the Beghazi attack murders of our State Department officials or else been provided lies approved by members of the Administration.  Does this seem like a lot of liars to you?  Sure does to me.  I am not trying to be partisan here, because I know we’ve had liars in other administrations regardless of political party, but this is getting ‘endemic’ in the way it is surfacing.  That tells me the climate of lies is expected from the top down.  Either the President is in on this, or he is completely incompetent and has no idea what his people are structuring.

And now the President comes out and basically says we have to trust our Federal Government or we are some pretty sorry pathetic citizens (my phrasing at the end there, but it was the way he shook his head and “emoted it” as far I saw.) 

Are you kidding me???????

I spent 40 years working for the government, and the last thing you want is blind trust in the government.  Are most of them honest, hard-working and trying to do good for us all?  You bet they are, but you better not take your eye off of them, because that can change in a heartbeat.

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