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Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Your Tax Money Has Wings
Sunday, April 27, 2014
God -- The Eternal Optimist
When we read Jesus’ parable of the farmer who scatters his
seed on the ground in Matthew 13, we see a profound message - and a call to
Now, of course, the first thing I think of in reading it is: “WHAT A DUMB FARMER, TO SCATTER HIS SEED ON
least the birds got to eat the seed, so some good came of it. I can give him grace for all the thistles that
come up on the other ground, and I can understand how sometimes shallow soil
can affect the ability to send deep roots to withstand dry periods. I am relieved when I find the guy at least
manages to get some on good soil that returns a crop of 30, 60 and even a
hundred times what was seeded. Heck,
farming is tough at best.”
However, unlike me, Jesus used those farming parables to reach his
audience of common people who were familiar with it. Farmers hoped for the best crop outcome from
the seeds they planted. Jesus was saying
God was the eternal optimist in that he could expect the ground of hardest
stone hearts to produce a huge plant of great strength of faith. I think that’s why the farmer sowed seed on
rocky ground. He wasn’t just wasting the
seed. God was saying, “Hey I’m giving
you all an equal chance.”
Now I know I struggle with the thorns and thistles that grow
up to hinder my faith, so I can certainly understand the comparison, and I’ve
seen the shallow soiled faith of others who have disappeared along the path of
life. Perhaps you, like me, have done
battle with those things at times in your life, and perhaps you maybe want your
life for God to count. Perhaps all we
have to do to accomplish that is to invite a friend to church or maybe just
show up when a person we know is in need.
It doesn’t take much to start the snowball rolling, but it does take
getting ourselves to do it.
“Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary use
words.” (I love that quote from St.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Have It Your Way!
The face of America is changing…well, actually more like the
belly and the butt of America is changing.
We are rapidly becoming the fattest country in the world. Living in Colorado, which is one of the
leanest and healthiest states in the union, it is still filled with people who
are seriously overweight. Studies
conducted for the last 40 years have shown a shocking and dramatic change in
the whole country. Today almost
one-third of all Americans are considered obese.
Many of you know I spend a good bit of time working in the
medical field, and I bring this issue to you not so much in a spirit of
complaining how people look but rather what is the state of their health. Almost all the medical runs I go on seem to
involve people of all ages who are seriously overweight. It is a simple fact that a huge portion of
our medical problems are related to what we eat, how much we eat and how little
we exercise. Type 2 diabetes used to be
a disease relegated to the overweight and over 60 crowd, but today we are
seeing it in ten-year-olds. Forms of
cancer have been linked to being overweight, heart disease has long been known
to be a function of weight (remember, for every extra pound you need to pump
through more capillaries), high blood pressure, and many more maladies all
contribute to serious morbidity in our population as a result of obesity.
We often complain about how high our health costs have
become, and yet quitting tobacco and carrying a normal body weight could drop
that figure dramatically.
What is it with us? Do we love
those Big Macs, Coldstone, Pizza Hut and other fast food in large quantity so
much that we will sacrifice our lives and our children’s lives to it?
Are we all such wimps that we can’t control what we eat and
how much we exercise?
By Order Of The King
The ability of the President of the United States to make
executive orders is fairly well know today, but was relatively unknown (or
perhaps even secret) until the early part of the 20th century. At that point the numbering and record
keeping of executive orders began with Abraham Lincoln’s use during the Civil
War. Presidents since 1789 have been
using them, but the U.S. Constitution does not clearly give the President the
authority to do so. (Ambiguous wording in
Article II of that document is offered as an explanation of this right to
arbitrarily make orders.)
Nearly everyone recognizes the need for a president to use
this power to efficiently administer the laws of the land, and every president
has done this, some more than others and some less. However, there are limits to what the
executive order can be used for, and that is the serious question of the
day. Most agree that its use is for
times of emergency, to clarify confusing legal intent, to implement policies
ensuing from laws passed, war declaration when attacked, etc. This attempt to set boundaries on use came
about in the 1950s when Supreme Court rulings essentially told Harry Truman he
was trying to actually “make laws” and usurping the job of the legislative branch
in implementing the will of the people.
This balance of powers is the entire key to the framers of the
constitution’s plan for a successful government and the avoidance of tyranny by
Many criticisms have been leveled over the years at
presidents for using executive orders improperly, most commonly when the
President uses them to make or change laws without the approval of Congress. President Obama’s use of multiple executive
orders in regard to the Affordable Care Act is an egregious example. Either the Supreme Court or Congress can vote by a two-thirds majority (fat chance!) to overturn an executive order, of course the composition of the parties in the
court and legislature often make this difficult…and the political ramifications
to legislators for doing so can be serious from the President.
Ultimately, the real solution for bad executive orders is
the “will of the people.” Once a President is removed from office the new president can simply rescind any
presidential order not codified by subsequent law through congressional
action. Abortion activity by government
agencies are a good example of this and has been reversed back and forth now
for 30 years by each president in office.
So the question is now:
Is it again time to take the current President to court for an overreach
of Presidential power because of using Executive Orders to essentially make
laws? There are those who suggest that
President Obama’s use to implement the Affordable Care Act may qualify in part, since it appears his efforts do more than clarify the language, but rather
create new law. I’m sure legal experts
will wrangle over that for years, and who knows what the decision would be. Either way, the exercise of such enormous
power by one individual is a bit frightening as to what the outcome could be.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
The Supreme Court Gets It Right
The Supremes managed to do something right this week by
supporting a state law that said affirmative action could not include simply
hiring with preference because of one’s race.
Justice Ms. Soda-In-My-Ears, with all her racial bias managed the
dissenting liberal view.
Now think about this carefully. What she is saying in her dissent is that
simply because you are Black or Hispanic or female, you should have priority in
hiring. This means that if you compare
poorly in test scores or interviews, that can’t be held against you and used to
make a hiring decision. So, if you diddled
around in school, cut class, ate drugs by the bucketful and failed to do the
work the teachers asked you to do, we are now saying that you are the perfect
person to do the work of our business or government. If you have the mental faculties of a fruitcake,
we are saying you are the best choice to fill our vacancies and make our
spaceships, rule in our courts, or teach in our schools.
The best way to make a workforce of mediocrity is to hire by
standards other than ability and work habits.
The need to insure that everyone has an equal chance to acquire that
ability and those work habits is a requirement of families and schools that
have competence and are willing to do the work.
BUT, ultimately it is up to the individual themselves to live up to
their best potential. Huge numbers of
racial minorities succeed and come out of terrible environments to become
leaders in their fields without the aid of the “hire the least well qualified”
Race alone should never be a factor in hiring or not
hiring!!! Or anything else, for that matter.
Is Putin The Next Hitler?
The recent events in the Ukraine are disturbing. The actions of the Russian government are
frighteningly reminiscent of Hitler’s advance through Europe prior to World War
II. His actions were originally confined
to predominantly Germanic speaking lands bordering his country. His excuse was he was responding to the will
of the people there in moving militarily to incorporate them into German
governance and occupation.
Obviously, Putin is doing the same thing with the same
stated reasoning. We as Americans
certainly can relate to the desire of an area to become self-governing, and
Putin is trying to mimic that approach in saying he is there to “assist” the
local populace that wishes to be independent.
Unfortunately, with troops on the ground from Russia, it looks more like
an attempt at intimidation and a takeover of the country by a foreign power…just
like Hitler did.
Certainly, there are ethnic differences in Crimea and in
Eastern Ukraine. How do we judge what is
going on there from our perspective?
California is rapidly becoming entirely Hispanic ethnically. Southern California already is. Does that mean Mexico can mass troops on our
border and in our country to help facilitate and back (or perhaps instigate) a
revolt? I’m sure Mexico can come up with
a million reasons why the economic wealth of California would be a boon to
their country and give them great political influence over the remaining United
States…just like Putin realizes with Ukraine.
But do the people of California think they would be better off with an
alliance with and a dependence on Mexico.
What do you think?
There Is No Debate The World Is Flat
Recently, President Obama made the statement “There is no
debate, climate change is happening!” He
was emphatic, and the essence of his comment was true. Some days it rains, some days it’s hot. Some years are wetter and colder, some are
not. Some decades and centuries exhibit
different weather patterns, and we know from geologic evidence that we have had
four major ice ages that rendered much of the globe uninhabitable to most life
But, unfortunately, the meaning behind Obama’s statement and
those of the scientific community and political correctness community is far
different. Their meaning is that climate
change is happening and humans are the cause of it. They scoff at any scientist who disputes
their “evidence.” Any scientist is
relegated to the trash heap if he espouses theories that don’t coincide with
It reminds me a lot of how the scientific community treated
Copernicus and Gallileo. People, like
them, who said the world was anything but flat were obviously not credible “scientists”
to those in the scientific and even religious community and were ostracized.
So, beware of those who express with such certainty their
scientific conclusions…especially if they are politicians.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
What Is Job #1
A black political analyst today said the fact that we engage
in political correctness is one of the silliest things we could do. The majority of violent crime comes from
black and Hispanic neighborhoods, the majority of terrorism comes from Muslim
communities. The fact that we don’t
profile and we abandon vigorous programs that allow us to be vigilant in those
arenas ultimately renders us all less safe.
He was speaking about New York’s new mayor’s policy changes in how the
police do their job.
The same seems to be happening in Syria. We have pursued a course of restraint and
hoped that “deals” could be made to stop the use of deadly sarin gas on
people. Today, we hear that deadly chlorine
gas is being used instead…and what do we do as a country? We shrug and say oh well and ignore it as
acceptable. Where is our leadership here
in our country and in the world as well?
How can such poor decisions continue to be made?
Consider as well the IRS.
We know they have targeted harassment on a political basis on U.S.
citizens. Yet few experience sustained
outrage. Mark my word, the whole scandal
is fading, and by election day, it will be a faint memory like last night’s
dream in the light of day. Nothing will
be done to change things and hold people accountable.
Somebody once said, what is the job of a politician? I immediately thought that it would be to “see
to it that the government protects and addresses the problems and the needs of
the people that private enterprise can’t insure successfully in an efficient
and economical way.” However, the true
answer turns out to be this: the job of
a politician is to get reelected. He
starts with his first campaign and doesn’t stop (usually until he dies in
office or gets such a fat head that his scandals and criminality finally are
insupportable by even his or her most ardent supporters.) When you concentrate on that as Job number
one 100% of the time, there is no time for the people you represent.
We need to change who represents our interests, how we elect
them, and how they are allowed to serve.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
The Truth About Easter
I’ve often wondered why Easter Bunnies ever came to be associated with
Easter. Have you? I suspect it, like Christmas presents, has
become just a way for businesses to make money selling stuff. Perhaps it’s a way to de-center the message
of Easter, just like Santa does for Christmas and dilutes the meaning and importance of the celebration. The best
attack the enemy can make is from within, and making these holidays meaningless
from a spiritual standpoint would be a first priority.
Think about it. How
many people put up Christmas trees or have Easter egg hunts without the
slightest thought toward what the holiday is all about. Sadly, in American it is probably most
people. As for me, I will always be
eternally amazed and eternally grateful for the sacrifice that Jesus made to
come in human form and experience the human condition first hand only to die a
gruesome and unjustified death on the cross.
I have something as a result that I have not earned and could never
possess on my own: Forgiveness for all
my shortcomings...and standards to shoot for every day.
Perhaps that Easter bunny represents something useful
after all. The bunny gives birth to eggs
which have a new life ahead of them.
Perhaps that is akin to our rebirth once we accept that the sacrifice
that Jesus made was for us and gives us eternal life.
Have A Joyous Easter!
Friday, April 4, 2014
Yes, we all heard the Bang...what matters is who pulled the trigger!
I got a kick out of the fact that the scientific explanations for everything had to ultimately use the word "Created" in describing the beginnings of the universe. The big bang was the "creation" of the universe and all the subsequent events of of planet formation, seas, plant and animal life. What was most interesting to me at the time was that their whole litany of scientific processes in the creation of the world fell right in line with the Biblical account that was formulated without the benefit of "science." It's an amazingly consistent description, and yet this doesn't seem remarkable to the scientific community that is so bent on debasing the Biblical viewpoint on creation.
Ultimately, the one thing they can't seem to come up with is what was the unknown and indescribably powerful cause that initiated the "big bang." They admit that, but they can't admit God.
Scientists never cease to amaze me with their denseness.
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