

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

There Is No Debate The World Is Flat

Recently, President Obama made the statement “There is no debate, climate change is happening!”  He was emphatic, and the essence of his comment was true.  Some days it rains, some days it’s hot.  Some years are wetter and colder, some are not.  Some decades and centuries exhibit different weather patterns, and we know from geologic evidence that we have had four major ice ages that rendered much of the globe uninhabitable to most life forms.

But, unfortunately, the meaning behind Obama’s statement and those of the scientific community and political correctness community is far different.  Their meaning is that climate change is happening and humans are the cause of it.  They scoff at any scientist who disputes their “evidence.”  Any scientist is relegated to the trash heap if he espouses theories that don’t coincide with theirs.

It reminds me a lot of how the scientific community treated Copernicus and Gallileo.  People, like them, who said the world was anything but flat were obviously not credible “scientists” to those in the scientific and even religious community and were ostracized. 

So, beware of those who express with such certainty their scientific conclusions…especially if they are politicians.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how often I agree with what you post here. My daughter & step-daughter would hate it though.
