I got a kick out of the fact that the scientific explanations for everything had to ultimately use the word "Created" in describing the beginnings of the universe. The big bang was the "creation" of the universe and all the subsequent events of of planet formation, seas, plant and animal life. What was most interesting to me at the time was that their whole litany of scientific processes in the creation of the world fell right in line with the Biblical account that was formulated without the benefit of "science." It's an amazingly consistent description, and yet this doesn't seem remarkable to the scientific community that is so bent on debasing the Biblical viewpoint on creation.
Ultimately, the one thing they can't seem to come up with is what was the unknown and indescribably powerful cause that initiated the "big bang." They admit that, but they can't admit God.
Scientists never cease to amaze me with their denseness.
I keep going back to the unfathomable - how can a human explain the unending universe? We can't because it's not within our ability to explain it. We have to go on faith that it's never ending. It's that faith which we should be able to lean on with our creator - God.