

Saturday, April 19, 2014

What Is Job #1

A black political analyst today said the fact that we engage in political correctness is one of the silliest things we could do.  The majority of violent crime comes from black and Hispanic neighborhoods, the majority of terrorism comes from Muslim communities.  The fact that we don’t profile and we abandon vigorous programs that allow us to be vigilant in those arenas ultimately renders us all less safe.  He was speaking about New York’s new mayor’s policy changes in how the police do their job.

The same seems to be happening in Syria.  We have pursued a course of restraint and hoped that “deals” could be made to stop the use of deadly sarin gas on people.  Today, we hear that deadly chlorine gas is being used instead…and what do we do as a country?  We shrug and say oh well and ignore it as acceptable.  Where is our leadership here in our country and in the world as well?  How can such poor decisions continue to be made?

Consider as well the IRS.  We know they have targeted harassment on a political basis on U.S. citizens.  Yet few experience sustained outrage.  Mark my word, the whole scandal is fading, and by election day, it will be a faint memory like last night’s dream in the light of day.  Nothing will be done to change things and hold people accountable.

Somebody once said, what is the job of a politician?  I immediately thought that it would be to “see to it that the government protects and addresses the problems and the needs of the people that private enterprise can’t insure successfully in an efficient and economical way.”  However, the true answer turns out to be this:  the job of a politician is to get reelected.  He starts with his first campaign and doesn’t stop (usually until he dies in office or gets such a fat head that his scandals and criminality finally are insupportable by even his or her most ardent supporters.)   When you concentrate on that as Job number one 100% of the time, there is no time for the people you represent.

We need to change who represents our interests, how we elect them, and how they are allowed to serve.

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