

Monday, May 26, 2014

All You Christians Do Is Talk About Jesus!

Christians make a pretty big deal out of Jesus.  It is why we are at odds with Jews and Muslims all over the world.  Many people don’t think too much about the fact that all three religions worship the same God.   Buddists and Hindus are completely independent of that, and yet there’s not a lot of friction between them and the three who have the God of the Old Testament in common.  Wouldn’t you think we’d be fighting with them instead???

What I think is even more fascinating about all of this is that Jesus himself always directed his followers to God the Father.  He never told his followers to bow down and worship Him, and yet Christians are forever talking about Jesus and praying to Him and literally worshipping Him as God, when he told us the Father was supposed to be the object of worship.  Don’t get me wrong here, I recognize what Jesus did was an enormous gift to all mankind by dying for His friends and his enemies.  I know that the “Sonship” he has with God is more complicated than any of us can conceive, and that His existence is timelessly ancient beyond all understanding.  But nonetheless, He always pointed us to God…even though he said no man comes to the Father but by belief that Jesus died for our sins, and rose from the dead, and was in total unity with the Father.   Still, He said only the Father knows when the end time will come, which surely shows His supremacy and independence from Jesus somehow.

But still, if you ask the average Christian they will first give you Jesus as their concept of God.   They will tell you that Jesus Christ is their “Lord and Savior.”  They may not even mention God the Father of all creation.  It’s almost as if He has replaced God in their minds, and I find that surprising…and inaccurate.

Jews and Muslims don’t have that problem because they completely deny the work and claims of Jesus Christ and only consider Him a wise prophet.  Sad for them that they don’t experience the free gift of salvation from Jesus and will be judged on how “good” they are.  Based on what I’ve seen of mankind, the outcome ain’t lookin’ too good for them…and what’s weird is they are working off a concept that has no definition.  Does God expect perfect goodness or does he grade on a curve…or maybe 51% is passing.  I like the defined alternatives with Jesus a whole lot better!

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