I was walking downtown today and happened to encounter a man and his very young son. The boy was on a bicycle without training wheels. Mom was walking a little ways back as he picked up speed. Today was the big day, apparently, where he would hopefully learn to control the bike and ride on his own without crashing. Dad was there holding the seat slightly out of the range of the kid’s vision. I can imagine all the days with training wheels, and all the times after the wheels were removed that that father watched his child jackknife and start to fall.
Today was going to be different. The excitement was visible in this humble spectacle, and even I enjoyed watching and remembering going through the same exercise with my son and daughter years ago. Nothing is more satisfying than to see them succeed at the task. It is rewarding to them, and it is especially gratifying to the parent when they succeed. One day they even surprised you by riding with no hands...they finally got it all figured out and it comes naturally.
I couldn’t help but draw the parallel to God’s careful instruction to us on how to live. His desire is for us to succeed and to be able to “balance” and reap the rewards. We balance living in a world of self-centeredness that ignores God, and our job is to worship Him and love one another, and try our very best to live according to his guidance as we grow up in Him. When he lets go of our “seat back” and watches us roll down that sidewalk of life, he is always there like that little boy’s father ready to catch us if we lose control. He may be behind us out of sight, but he is there.
Nothing could make him happier than to see us living according to his guidance, and riding that bike safely with perfect balance.
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